

Our Heart Statements

  • God is our greatest treasure.
  • Loving people is our greatest expression of our love for God.
  • Prayer is our greatest work.
  • Living and speaking the message of Jesus is our greatest service.
  • Dwelling together according to the Kingdom of God is our greatest aspiration.

Since God is our greatest Treasure…
We will value things of the earth only in relation to Him and make God our most precious prize.

This means that we hold onto things of this world loosely, that we use things of this earth knowing they are God’s, and we will move past anything that keeps us from God.  Philippians 3:8,  Matthew 6:21, Matthew 13:44

Since loving people is our greatest expression of our love for God…
We will work and desire the good of others above ourselves.

This means we will at a minimum obey the “Golden Rule” and will, by the power of the Holy Spirit, work so others can find happiness in Christ Jesus.  Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 22:36-40, John 15:13

Since prayer is our greatest work…
We will pray regularly-corporately and individually-and saturate every work in prayer so that God has ownership and receives glory in our effort. 

This means we will approach every aspect of our lives through prayer and will not seek ownership of the results from the labor.  1 Samuel 12:23, 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Since living and speaking the message of Jesus Christ is our greatest service…
Our behaviors, attitudes and relationships, observed or unobserved, will proclaim and confirm the truth of the gospel.  

This means we will evaluate every aspect of our lives to make sure it proclaims and confirms the gospel to those around us.  Romans 1:16, 2 Timothy 1:8

Since dwelling together according to the Kingdom of God is our greatest aspiration…
We will live according to a new order, the gospel life, and consider others more important than ourselves.

This means we will move towards people with grace, allowing God to work in their lives, and we will work towards building up one another.  Philippians 2:3-4, Romans 14:4, Mark 9:35

Click below to read our heart and philosophy of church leadership.

Church Leadership at FBC