

'Missions' tagged posts

Future Mission Trips

I was recently reading 2 Corinthians and was struck by one of the things that Paul had to say regarding an earlier writing and visit to that church…“For I wrote to you out of much affliction and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to cause you pain but to let you know the…

Operation Christmas Child

Women’s Ministry is again taking part in Operation Christmas Child.  There are THREE ways you can support this mission:  You can pick up a box in the foyer, take it home, fill it up and return it to the box under the Women’s Ministry (WM) table. Buy suggested items to be packed at the Student Pack…

Ukraine Team Blog

The team of seven left Friday, September 23rd and will return Sunday, October 9th. For a chance to learn more of the unexpected things God brings to this trip and how you can be praying, keep an eye on the team’s BLOG. We can all be amazed by God together.

Ukraine Mission Trip

Be Aware—Prepare—Then, Skidaddle!  Are you aware that you could go to Kiev, Ukraine, this fall? Well, it is possible! The Cru Campus team at Kiev National University wants to host an English Club September 25th to October 8th, and they need us to volunteer to be teachers. A few people from FBC are considering going. Will…