5:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Meal begins 5:30 | Program Begins 6:45 | Evening ends at 8pm)
First Baptist Church
751 Grace Way
Medford, WI 54451
(at round-a-about across from Walmart)
Come celebrate all God has done this year in Awana. Everyone is invited to attend this FREE event. Grandparents, family, friends, and neighbors are welcome! The menu and activities are family-friendly. Food service starts at 5:30 pm. The Award Ceremony and special guests Hairy & Company Puppet Show starts at 6:45 pm. Event ends by 8:00 pm.
751 Grace Way
Medford, WI 54451
(Across from Walmart)
First Baptist Church will be hosting Vacation Bible School this summer June 2nd through the 5th, from 6:00-8:30pm each evening. We are excited to sing, play, create, and grow together as we marvel at Jesus and learn to live for His glory! More details, including registration for your child, will be coming later this spring!…