

Church News (Page 5)

A Letter From Mike Barnhart, New Lead Pastor

Hey FBC! It’s a joy to be called by God to be your pastor. I look forward to knowing you, doing life with you, and allowing God to prepare us for eternity, together. Over the years, I’ve learned that my greatest fear is to be alone. As an introvert, I find that to be an…

Caroline Cobb Concert

First Baptist Church is delighted to host singer-songwriter Caroline Cobb for a Women’s Advent concert Friday, December 2nd at 7:00pm (Doors open at 6:30pm).   Tickets may be purchased through Eventbrite. Cost is $15 in advance and $20 at the door (tickets are non-refundable). This event is designed for women 14 years and older. Light…

Galatians Sermon Series

Beginning September 11th, Pastor Kim will begin a fall sermon series on the book of Galatians. Join us Sunday mornings as we study together the Apostle Paul’s message that there is one Gospel and one Savior Jesus, by which we must be saved.   Worship Service TimesSunday Mornings8:30am & 10:45amSunday School: 9:45am  

Fall Registration for Children & Youth

FBC is excited to be kicking off ministries for children and teens this fall! REGISTER each student for any ministries that they will be participating in this school year. This helps volunteers and teachers prepare and plan to serve your children this year.  Learn more about each of these ministries:  Sunday School starts Sept 11,…

Fall Registration for Children & Youth

    FBC is excited to be kicking off ministries for children and teens this fall! REGISTER each student for any ministries that they will be participating in this school year. This helps volunteers and teachers prepare and plan to serve your children this year.  Learn more about each of these ministries:  Sunday School starts…

Fall Ministry Kick-Off

  Moms & Munchkins kicks-off Thursday, September 8th from 9-11am at First Baptist Church.  To find out more details about M&Ms please visit our page here.  Children’s Sunday School will begin Sunday, September 11th and is provided for grades pre-school through 12th grade.  You can learn more about the purpose and curriculum used in our children’s…

Fall Women’s Bible Study

  Women of Faith from the Old Testament As we look into the lives & experiences of eight women from the OT, we’ll see their flaws & their faith, their struggles & solutions. Though the women will range from a pagan prostitute to a prophetess waging war, we will see women who were like us…


Adult ladies (18+), please join us for an evening of axe throwing, refreshments, and fellowship, Sunday September 11, 3-6pm. We’ll teach you the basics of this fun and unique activity. Just bring yourself and a willingness to try something new! Please RSVP to this FREE event by September 5. Email fbcmedford.womensevents@gmail.com or signup at the…