

Church News (Page 28)

Openings for Sunday Morning Membership Class

Click HERE to register.   Membership is an important way for followers of Jesus to publicly declare their commitment to the person, message, and mission of Jesus Christ through the local church. The first step in the membership process at FBC is participating in the Membership Class (about a 4-hour course facilitated by Pastor Brian Wipf). Two…

Summer Sunday School

God’s word is more nourishing than breakfast! Sunday School is a time for us and our children to meet with others to study and discuss the Scriptures. Here are the details about this summer’s classes. Who: we will have classes for children who are at least 3 years old, teens, and adults. (Nursery is available…

Women – SIGN UP for “The Free Gift of Life” study

“The Free Gift of Life,” a study on Romans Free… most people like free, right?             Gift… that’s nice because it’s more personal than just the usual little freebie…                         Life… now that’s precious… Paul’s letter to the Romans has changed the lives of countless people.  It can change you too.  Come and learn of the free gift of…

Planning Baptism Sunday

First Baptist Church:   There are some baptism opportunities being planned for this summer!   If you are interested in learning more about baptism, click HERE to request more information.     One of the most important steps of obedience for followers of Jesus is to be baptized. God rescues and saves sinners by his lavish grace…

Young Adult Book Study

Tuesdays @ 7pm for post high school young adults The Young Adult Book Study on “Recovering Redemption” by Matt Chandler begins Tuesday, April 26th at Cutting Edge Youth Center, 220 N. Main St, Medford, WI. The study starts at 7:00 pm, but come at 6:30 pm for hang out time. Please purchase your own book…

Awana Family Event

What:  FBC’s Annul Family Dinner, Awana Awards Ceremony, and Puppet Show   Who:  Everyone is invited to attend.  The menu is family-friendly including Arby’s roast beef sandwiches, hot dogs, salad, dessert, and more.  Grandparents, family, friends, and neighbors are welcome!  This event is a great invite opportunity.   When:  Wednesday, May 4th   Time:  Food service starts at 5:30 pm.…

Adult Sunday School

Spring 2016 Class Options Sundays 9:45-10:30am   Begins March 13th Come. Learn. Grow.  No registration necessary.   Forever: Why You Can’t Live Without It DVD series by Paul David Tripp 10-week class led by Jeff Lemmenes in the FBC Awana room The Bible assures us that an eternity awaits, but culture has convinced us that this…

In God We Trust Sermon Series

2-14:  God is Our Help and Our Shield (Listen to it online HERE) 2-21:  Being Wise in Political Engagement (Listen to it online HERE) 2-28:  God’s Role for the State and its Officials (Listen to it online HERE) 3-06:  A Lesson from History; Germany 1933-1945 (Listen to it online HERE) 3-13:  Should Christians Be Patriotic?…

Support FBC when you shop through Amazon Smile

When you shop at smile.amazon.com, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization selected. First Baptist Church has now been registered as an AmazonSmile charitable organization. To learn more, go to:  http://smile.amazon.com/ch/39-6053787 Thank you for your support!