A great opportunity to get to know other FBC men and to invite your friends. No trap shooting experience necessary. Guns will be available if you don’t have your own. Also, pistol shooting is available. Bring your own pistol. Brat and burgers will be served later in the afternoon. Cost: $20 includes 2 boxes of…
Is God anti-Gay? book by Sam Allberry Click for details and sign up.
When you think about attending Sunday school, have you ever thought, “But I don’t really want to go.”? Surely. What are your reasons for that? Too tired. Don’t feel like seeing people. Not interested in the class. Easier to sit at home. My kids don’t want to go. It’s too much trouble to get the…
Our new youth center is nearing the final few days of renovations! We are excited to have nearly triple the space than we did last year to offer teens. For the first time, we will have dedicated teaching spaces for Ignite (7-8th graders) and Elevate (9-12th graders). The old church auditorium has been transformed into…
Click the links below for details on these coming studies. 1 Peter by Jen Wilkin – a 9 week study facilitated by Laura Hoffert Confident Christianity – a 6-week study of Colossians facilitated by Barb Enerson
By Pastor Tim Becker Have you ever arrived at church on a Sunday morning with an attitude that stinks? I have. If this has happened to you, I’ll bet you too have experienced the negative pull it has on your worship time. Instead of coming with ears open to hearing from Jesus, you come with…
Mike Evans has served as pastor and church planter since the early 80’s. Mike served as Lead Pastor of Palatine Bible Church, Palatine, IL, then in international missions with Slavic Gospel Association, and The Bible League. In 1997, Mike and his wife Jill moved to New Richmond, WI to plant the first daughter church of…
Pastor Brian Wipf opened by welcoming everyone present to the family meeting at 9:45am. Pastor Brian indicated the leadership’s desire to keep everyone updated on the happenings at FBC. Today’s goal would be to discuss the agenda, inclusive of four topics and allow for any questions at the end. Pastor Brian led in prayer for…
Jesus calls all his followers to “Repent and be baptized!” Baptism is our way of saying, “I believe in Jesus! I trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins” just like when I wear a wedding ring to say, “I’m taken! I’m married to my lovely wife!” My ring doesn’t make me married no more…
SUMMER 2018 7-12th graders, we are excited for you to join us this summer. Check out what’s going on here: IGNITE 7-8th grade 2018 SUMMER CALENDAR ELEVATE 9-12th grade 2018 SUMMER CALENDAR