While we cannot gather together, we still need to be the church. Part of that is encouraging and equipping one another. To help, we have gathered digital resources for adults and children. We will continue to add to this page as we come across helpful resources.
Who doesn’t need some hope and direction these days? Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” God’s Word is like a light in the darkness. It supplies our souls with help to lead our families and direct ourselves in this time of uncertainty. If you…
Virtually join Pastor Tim live online Tuesdays at 6:30 PM starting March 31 to study the book of Colossians. Registration is required to join the class. You will need an internet connected device (computer, tablet, or phone) to participate in this study. Instructions will be emailed to all who register. The book of Colossians is…
While we look forward to being able to be together at the Youth Center, Elevate (Grades 9-12) and Ignite (Grades 7-8) will meet online on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm beginning April 1. Each youth group will be holding an online Zoom meeting, where we will connect, have some fun, and hold a teaching time centered…
The first three chapters of Ephesians tell us what God has done to secure the salvation of his people. The last three chapters instruct his people on how they are to live in light of God’s saving work. Ephesians is rich with doctrines of grace and with practical help for Christian living in the family…
It would be a joy to have you celebrate with us at First Baptist Church! Join us for FBC’s live online streaming service. Subscribe to our YouTube page and follow us on Facebook for notifications and updates from FBC. Good Friday Service April 10 1:00 PMEaster Service April 12 9:30 AM A FEW TIPS… Watch via mobile device. We…
Update: Postponed until after April 5. Come join other guys for coffee and teaching led by FBC Elder, Larry Lecheler. Bring your bible as we learn together from the book of 1 Peter. All post-high school men are welcome. We meet Thursday mornings during the school year from 6:00-6:50 AM at FBC in room 119…
Update: Postponed through Sunday, April 5. A new Adult Sunday School class starts this spring. Pastor Tim will be leading us as we study the book of Colossians. This New Testament letter was written by Paul to a church in Colossae, located in modern day Turkey. Some key parts of this letter are the following…
Which gospel are you relying on? The church in Galatia faced a choice between two “gospels,” two ways of approaching a relationship with God, two ways of looking at life. Let’s see what God says through His apostle. Paul will show us how problems in our Christian life stem from forgetting or failing to live…
FBC uses Truth:78 curriculum for Children’s Sunday School. We love it because it teaches the whole counsel of God. Truth:78 Mission is to give the next generations a biblically balanced view of God, His purposes, themselves, and the world, by teaching them the whole counsel of God—both the majestic breadth and depth of Scripture. Help them see…