

Men’s Ministry

Men’s Bible Study Postponed

Update: Postponed until after April 5. Come join other guys for coffee and teaching led by FBC Elder, Larry Lecheler. Bring your bible as we learn together from the book of 1 Peter. All post-high school men are welcome. We meet Thursday mornings during the school year from 6:00-6:50 AM at FBC in room 119…

Men’s Retreat: Sign up OPEN

Friday, February 1 at 6 PM – Sunday, February 3 at noon. Fellowship, food, and teaching at Hall Haven on Spirit Lake. This retreat is for any post high school aged man and the cost is FREE. It is a good opportunity for a weekend away from your normal responsibilities so you can be refreshed…

Men’s Trap Shoot

A great opportunity to get to know other FBC men and to invite your friends. No trap shooting experience necessary. Guns will be available if you don’t have your own. Also, pistol shooting is available. Bring your own pistol. Brat and burgers will be served later in the afternoon. Cost: $20 includes 2 boxes of…

Sign up for Men’s Retreat

Friday, Feb 17 at 6:00 PM to Sunday, Feb 19 at Noon.  At Hall Haven.  FREE!   This retreat is for all post high school aged men. It is a good opportunity for a weekend away from your normal responsibilities so you can be refreshed by God.  We’ll begin with a terrific Friday dinner at 6…