

Sermons (Page 2)

In God We Trust Sermon Series

2-14:  God is Our Help and Our Shield (Listen to it online HERE) 2-21:  Being Wise in Political Engagement (Listen to it online HERE) 2-28:  God’s Role for the State and its Officials (Listen to it online HERE) 3-06:  A Lesson from History; Germany 1933-1945 (Listen to it online HERE) 3-13:  Should Christians Be Patriotic?…

New Sermon Series Coming Soon

Sunday, Nov. 1 we will be starting a 5 week sermon series on Church Leadership. Does that sound like a snoozer to you? It might to some, and I can understand why. We like hearing sermons about exciting or controversial topics like demons, politics and Revelation (Oh, please Lord, have pastor preach from Revelation!) But…

Questions selected

You have submitted your questions and I have put together a sermon schedule for the next 6 weeks. Below are the questions I’ll be addressing in this series. Thanks so much for your participation and I’m sure God will help us think through these questions with his word so we can continue to live with…

Good question sermon series

What questions are you having about God and life? Are you wondering how to faithfully follow Jesus in 2015 in light of all the cultural changes taking place, yet still be a loving presence to others? Submit those questions to me as I am preparing another “Good Question!” sermon series starting Sept. 27. I want…

Help for Parents

Help for Parents By Pastor Brian Wipf During the sermon on April 25th, we saw how God intentionally established the annual Feast of Unleavened Bread so that parents had a regular occasion to remind their children about the amazing grace and power of God.  Kids, just like adults, need to be regularly reminded of their…