

FBC (Page 15)

At FBC, we’re dedicated to ministering to all ages & demographics. We seek to serve our members & visitors by creating opportunities for fellowship and religious education for every season of life.

Javesca Christmas Coffee Sale

Join us in a mission with Javesca Coffee to feed the world through a Christmas coffee sale. With fall in full swing, the holidays are right around the corner.  Plan to gift shop early and buy Javesca Coffee November 4 and 11 at FBC. Every bag sold provides 4 meals of food to help those in the…

The Need for Us to Keep Fearing God

By: Pastor Brian The staff and I are going through the book of Exodus for our development time together. In chapter 1 we learn about the terrifying command of Pharaoh to the Hebrew midwives that they kill the male Hebrew children when they assist in deliveries. And we think our government makes unjust laws and…

Food for More

The FOOD FOR MORE challenge given every year by Feed My People, Eau Claire to the organizations that partner with them to combat food insecurity in northern Wisconsin.  June, July, and August saw a 50% increase in people served and food given out – we averaged 135 families per month, giving out average of 3,200 pounds of…

How to Come to Church

By Pastor Tim Becker Have you ever arrived at church on a Sunday morning with an attitude that stinks? I have. If this has happened to you, I’ll bet you too have experienced the negative pull it has on your worship time. Instead of coming with ears open to hearing from Jesus, you come with…