

Posts by Tawnya Smith (Page 6)

School Supplies for OCC

As you gather school supplies this year with your children, keep in mind Operation Christmas Child is just 3 months away! So as prices drop, those school items make great box stuffers for children in need. Box collection will be Sunday, November 14, 2021. These shoeboxes are a gift but also an opportunity to share…

Summer Activities for All

It’s a blessing to connect with each other! Christian community and relationships help us grow in Christ. That is God’s good design and part of the heart of FBC. Link events are a fun way to get to know others better, build community, and have some fun together. FBC is hosting link events between services…

Next Sermon Series

Looking for some hope?  Not the kind that’s here today and then gone tomorrow but the kind nothing can take from you. Join us for the next sermon series through 1 Peter and discover the power of “Living Hope” in our lives.

Called to Wait…It’s Not Easy

By Pastor Kim Swenson There are many things in life that we struggle with.  I am sure we could come up with quite a list if we were to poll all of us regarding our own greatest struggles.  I don’t know about you, but I find that one of the hardest things for me is…

Church Songs – Women’s Bible Study

Do we really understand what we’re singing? Have you ever raised your Ebenezer?  Just what is a bulwark, anyway? What about that Christmas angel Herald/Harold?  Was that really his first name? Beulah Land. Where exactly is that? A sheave.  Isn’t that a woman’s dress? What about fetters?  Are they for eating like apple fritters? A…

Resurrection Sunday

We are about to celebrate the greatest event In the history of mankind. It has changed more lives than any other event.  In fact it is so amazing that many people don’t even believe it happened.  The event I am talking about is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  I’m sure you know…


Some of us grew up in churches that follow an annual church calendar. If that’s you, you may have memories (good or bad!) when you hear the word “lent.” Way back in church history, lent was not related to Easter, but was a time of preparation for baptism that included fasting. Later, lent became a…

Songs Matter – Special Playlist

The songs we sing really matter. By that I mean – they matter to our soul.  The content, lyrics, and theology of the songs we sing and listen to act as a rudder for our hearts & minds for better or worse. At FBC we aim to sing songs during our worship services that unite…