

Posts by Tawnya Smith (Page 13)

New Adult Sunday School Classes for Spring

New Adult Sunday School classes will begin on March 31 and run until May 19. The two class options are outlined below. Wealth & Possessions || Tim Becker || Room 119 Jesus said, “You cannot serve God and money.” But it is impossible to live in the world without money and possessions. We cannot escape…

Why Won’t God Answer My Prayers?

By Pastor Brian Wipf During our 21 days of prayer, I brought this question up from time to time during the sermons, but never really answered it. There really isn’t one answer to this question. The Bible actually gives us a variety of reasons why our prayers might not be answered. They might not be…

Stay In the Know

Keep up with the latest church news by liking FBC’s Facebook Page. Learn about upcoming classes & events, volunteers, ministry opportunities, and weather-related cancellations.

Don’t Just Have Faith “In Your Heart”

By Pastor Brian Wipf I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how we need instantiate our faith more than we do. To instantiate means to represent, to embody, or to externalize. I’ve been convicted that too much of my faith is “in my heart.” Do you know what I mean by that? That’s one of…

contests to support nepal mission trip

To enter into the Chili Cook-Off and/or the Dessert Bake-Off SIGN UP HERE. Participants must plan to bring a minimum of 12 quarts of chili and a minimum of 50 servings of dessert depending on what competition they’re entering. Everyone is invited to come out to FBC for the chili cook-off & dessert bake-off event…

Blood Drive at FBC

We have a unique way to serve our community. FBC will be partnering with American Red Cross to host a BLOOD DRIVE on Friday, February 15 from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM in our church facilities. The primary reason we are doing this is because God calls us to serve others. There is an ongoing…