

Posts by Tawnya Smith

Easter & Good Friday Services

Join us this year during Holy Week as we remember and celebrate how God has shown humanity His love and provision through His Son Jesus Christ! Please take note of the details below as some service times will vary from our usual schedule. GOOD FRIDAY – FRIDAY, APRIL 18 – 1PM All are invited as…

Matthew Smith + Indelible Grace Concert

We are delighted to host singer-songwriter and worship leader Matthew Smith and Indelible Grace Band for a weekend this spring! Matthew Smith is a Nashville-based singer-songwriter who writes brand new music to centuries-old hymn texts. He is a founding member of the Indelible Grace community, whose work has drawn acclaim across denominational lines and is…

Call to Baptism

Have you surrendered your life to Jesus by turning from your sins and placing your trust in him for your salvation? If you have, your next step in following Jesus may be baptism. We are planning to hold baptisms during our Easter services on Sunday, April 20th.   To learn more about pursuing baptism, we invite…

2025 Bible Reading Plan

  Below is a suggested Bible reading plan for 2025. You may click the link and print it at home. Hard copies are also available at the FBC Welcome Center.  Bible Reading Plan

Se Proporciona Traduccion del sermon (Sermon Translation Provided)

Estamos entusiasmados de ofrecer ahora dispositivos internos que permitan a aquellos que necesitan traducción adorar junto con la congregación mientras reciben traducción en vivo de uno de nuestros voluntarios. Si usted o alguien que conoce está interesado, visite nuestro Centro de bienvenida los domingos por la mañana para retirar un dispositivo. En este momento, solo…

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

First Baptist Church  is once again partnering with Samaritan’s Purse through the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Project! The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News…

Fall Adult Sunday School Classes

  This fall there are three adult classes being offered between services from 9:45-10:30am beginning Sunday, September 8th.  Participating is a great way to not only grow in your faith but connect with others.  While registration is not required, it does help us prepare well for you. You can register for an adult Sunday School…

Fall Ministry Kick-Off + Registration

Fall Ministries for children, teens and adults will kick-off in September!  Please use the following links below to register your child, teen or yourself for ministries indicated. This helps our ministry leaders to be fully prepared for you and your children! If you have any questions please call the church office (715-748-4936). SUNDAY SCHOOL &…

Worship in the Park

You’re invited!  Come gather together to enjoy a summer morning of worship in the Medford City Park on Sunday, August 18 at 10am. What can you expect? Our service in the park is a casual environment where you can expect to be led in songs of worship to God, hear the Bible taught and enjoy…

Becker Celebration + Farewell

Dear FBC church family, This coming Sunday, July 21, is the celebration + farewell for Pastor Tim and Renee Becker. We will hold ONE JOINT service at 10:00am, where Pastor Tim will deliver his final sermon to us, followed by a time of sharing and celebration lunch. Reminders + Expectations for the Morning: Please drop…