

Planning Baptism Sunday

First Baptist Church:  

There are some baptism opportunities being planned for this summer!  

If you are interested in learning more about baptism, click HERE to request more information.  


One of the most important steps of obedience for followers of Jesus is to be baptized. God rescues and saves sinners by his lavish grace as we trust and believe in the work that Jesus performed on our behalf on the cross. When that happens, we are ushered into God’s family; we are washed clean of our sins; God’s Holy Spirit takes up residency in our hearts and makes Jesus’ presence real and tangible every day.

Baptism signifies these realities. It’s our way of professing and declaring that we have given our allegiance to Jesus having been saved of our sins. Our testimony of faith we offer through baptism is so important it’s commanded in the Bible.

But it’s not a command that’s burdensome; it’s a command we should be glad to obey. What joy it is to say, “I follow Jesus!” and “He’s made me alive!” through our words and through baptism! 
Because of this, we are happy to be a baptist church. If you have questions about baptism or you are ready to obey the call to be baptized, click HERE or feel free to contact Pastor Brian or Pastor Tim at 715-748-4936