

Fall Adult Study: The Things of Earth

The Things of Earth: Treasuring God by Enjoying His Gifts

From the book:

This book “was written for people who sincerely want to glorify God in all they do but find themselves wrestling with what the God-centered life actually looks like in practice. It was written for people who struggle with whether they love God’s gifts too much and whether they love God enough.”

“This book was written to answer a simple question: What are we to do with the things of earth? Embrace them? Reject them? Use them? Forget about them? Set our affections on them? Look at them with suspicious eyes? Enjoy them with a twinge or two of guilt?”

I know that God is to be supreme in my life, my supreme love and joy. Yet when I eat chocolate ice cream or hold my wife’s hand or watch my grandchildren laugh and dance, I just LOVE those things. In those moments, I am not confident that they aren’t my supreme love and joy, rather than God. But when I don’t enjoy these things (for the sake of enjoying God most!), I’m a sour Christian. And this doesn’t seem godly. So how can I love my God supremely and love his gifts appropriately? Even more, is it possible for me to love God more THROUGH loving his gifts? This book answered some deep and important questions I’ve had for 35 years.

If you are asking some of these same questions in your life, then sign up to join us in this fall adult book study. We’ll be reading Things of the Earth: Treasuring God by Enjoying God’s Gifts by Joe Rigney.  The book costs $11 and the study will last 10 weeks. Each week we’ll read a portion of the book on our own and then come together to discuss what we’ve read. We’ll start the week of September 14th.

Click here to Sign Up.

Thirsty for God,

Pastor Tim