

Why I Believe – A Women’s Study

First Peter 3:15 tells us to always be ready to give an answer for the hope that is in us. Are we ready? Can you give support of your faith in a way a non-believer will be able to grasp? Come, let us explore together reasons for why we believe what we believe. As we read through the book, Why I Believe and engage in Scripture & basic apologetics, we will look to the Holy Spirit to deepen the roots of our faith with greater understanding so we will be ready & prepared to better speak to & defend our faith.

This will be an 8 week study, September 12 through October 31, utilizing Dr. D. James Kennedy’s book, Why I Believe. Twenty-three books are available. New books will cost $10; very good condition books will cost $5. Books will be available at church on Sundays, beginning August 29. CHAPTER ONE WILL NEED TO BE READ BEFORE THE FIRST CLASS.

If more than 23 women need a book, it will be personal responsibility to purchase one. SIGN UP AT THIS LINK

Please contact Barb Enerson, 715.803.6104, with questions.