

Pastor Appreciation Month

We are so blessed to have three godly men who serve the body at First Baptist Church in the role of pastor. These men give of their time, energy, heart and  strength to shepherd and watch over our souls.  At First Baptist Church we celebrate Pastor Appreciation Month every October.  Certainly, we want to be a body of believers who support, encourage and appreciate our pastoral staff all year round, so why a designated month?   

The purpose here is to spur us on to be a faithful body of believers who encourage, support, love and care for our pastors in a way that is Biblical, healthy and equips our pastors to lead and shepherd for the long haul.  While the Holy Spirit is the One who ultimately sustains all of us, including our pastors, let’s be intentional in this season to communicate our appreciation in a way that invigorates them to keep pressing in to all God has called them to do.  Here are some ideas to consider:

  1. Pray for each of them  – and then tell them that you are praying for them and how!
  2. Write an encouraging note or thank them specifically for ways you see God using them – perhaps include something that God has shown or taught you through their service + teaching
  3. Bake some goodies and home deliver them!
  4. Invite them over for a meal 
  5. Pick up a gift card to a local restaurant, grocery store or gas station
  6. Offer to wash + detail their car 
  7. Ask them out to coffee just to get to know them better – ask them how you can be praying for them
  8. Provide childcare for some husband + wife quality time 
  9. Drop their favorite treat/drink off during a work-day 
  10.  Give monetarily toward the month-long special offering that take place each Sunday during October. Designated envelopes will be at the sanctuary entry tables and at the Welcome Center. The total of this offering will be divided among the three pastors.

In addition to showing appreciation, consider reading  + listening to the following article and podcast meant to encourage our hearts as the congregation to support, care for, and love our pastoral staff, that their service may be done so with joy (Hebrews 13:17).

How to Encourage Your Pastor (Article)

The Care & Feeding of Pastors (podcast)