Everyone loves a good story. We love the development of the characters. We become hooked in as the tension develops through an increasingly complex story line. We experience the forces of both good and evil in the story. We anticipate how the dilemma we have become engrossed in will eventually find its resolution. We cheer when the hero arrives, and evil is overcome. We have come to expect a happily ever after as the story comes to a close. Why does every good story have the same elements that we have all come to expect? Could it be that these are the elements that we find in the ultimate story of all-time – the one that God is writing through the pages of human history?
Four years ago, I led the church family that I was serving through a study called The Story. In essence, it is a walk through the biblical narrative from Genesis to Revelation. For those who went through that, I think they would say that it was one of the most helpful and encouraging studies that they ever did together. Beginning this fall and continuing through the winter months, we are planning to walk together, as a FBC church body, through The Story. We will begin September 13 and continue through April of 2021. We will take the month of December off to focus on Christmas and then pick it up again in January.
We are making available to all FBCers a copy of The Story curriculum. It is basically just the biblical text in chronological order as it happened. It doesn’t include every word of the Bible but does include major key sections that enable the reader to grasp the flow of the story all of the way through. For those who have never been able to read through the entire Bible, this will give you an abbreviated experience of doing that.
Another opportunity The Story offers is one of outreach. When we offered a free copy of The Story to friends, co-workers, or neighbors, they were very receptive and interested in following along through the course of the year. Many of them read the book and joined us online to see the messages each week. It proved to be a very non-threatening way to give people an overview of the redemptive story without having to walk into a church building. Some may decide to begin attending in person, but for others it is a great opportunity to hear the amazing story of the Good News presented in The Story. During this season of people spending more time at home and online, this is a great opportunity to take advantage of these unique moments in people’s lives.
We will begin making the books available in the church lobby near the mailboxes on Sunday, August 23. There will be a donation box by the books with a suggested donation of $5.00 per book. Each week there will be some “table talk” questions in the bulletin to stimulate conversation around The Story providing an opportunity to discuss the weekly story with family or friends over a meal or cup of coffee. Find The Story reading schedule here.
The greatest story ever written is still in progress. It has included thousands of years of history from the past and extends into the future. The events of our lifetimes from Vietnam to Desert Storm, to 9/11 and COVID-19, they are all part of the story. Your life and mine are part of the story that God is writing – not in a fictional script, but rather in the annals of human history. By the end of this study, I think you will agree it truly is the most amazing story ever written by an even more amazing God.