Invite from Pastor Brian Wipf
Connect together this summer! There will be no Sunday school between services this summer. Instead, we are providing opportunities for connection with others within our FBC family. Why are we doing this? I’ve often heard FBCers express a desire to have more time to connect with their brothers and sisters in Christ. So, we asked ourselves, “Could we help make connecting easier?” That’s when our summer link opportunities were born.
Remember, for all good things, sacrifice will be required; saying YES to connecting with others will mean we have to say NO to something else. If I could offer a word of encouragement and challenge: take a chance and take initiative! Someone is going to need to be the first person to break the ice with a game of cornhole or to strike up a conversation. My guess is there will be some people who come who might be a little shy. Make a point of extending a warm invitation. Think of ways you can minister to others. You will have an opportunity to be a blessing to others, but it will take a little thought, care, sacrifice, and initiative. You might be surprised by the blessings you receive in return.
We believe that community and relationships are a necessary condition to grow in Christ. We will not be the people Christ is calling us to be on our own; we need others. Check out the dates below and plan to come!